Thursday, February 6, 2014

Slow and cold week‏

So this week was basically the same as last week. We stayed inside pretty much every day this week due to weather again, but we were able to start making a Gospel of Jesus Christ game for the Guldensterns, our investigator family. I'll send pictures when it's all finished. We also needed to plan the lesson for district meeting so that took up a good amount of time. After weekly planning on Thursday we met our first (and only) councilor in the branch presidency at the school he teaches at and had dinner the he ordered from a grocery store called Price Chopper. After that we got to see the robots that the high school robotics team is working on which was pretty cool. He let us help a little bit but we just screwed on a few pieces. There is this competition that they are preparing for that they need three robots for. The competition is kind of confusing so I won't get into that but it's really interesting! But now I can say that I helped build a robot!
The members have been working with us more too which is great! We met with this 16 year old less active kid who was baptized at 8 but never gained a testimony of his own because he lives with his non-member dad and only visits his member mom every so often. After a few minutes of talking with him the member of our branch showed up and he basically talked the rest of the time. The kid wants to know if it's true but hasn't done much to find out on his own. We pretty much told him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and that his answer may not come right away but if he has the desire to know, Heavenly Father will answer him.

Hopefully the snow will go away and the weather will warm up soon so we can go out and find some new people to teach because we haven't gotten any new investigators since I got here 2 months ago. This definitely is a tough area but I know that the Lord will bless us for our efforts and help us all along the way! It can be hard to not get discouraged but I try to stay positive because I know that there are people to teach and the field IS white already to harvest, I just need to thrust in my might and try my best.

Loves yas! ( as they say here)

           ~Elder Reyne

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