Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Week!

I had a wonderful week, especially during Christmas!

Sooooo Monday! Regular stuff for P-day

Tuesday we walked around a busy street handing out candy canes taped to "Joy to World" cards and pass-along cards it was fun because people love getting free stuff haha! Only about 4 people said no thanks but we ended up passing out about 30 of them out of 48. We then went to a members house for some snacks because we had already been invited to dinner by some other members who aren't in out little branch because they go to the Albany building because they have a primary and youth and we don't, but I don't blame them. 

Wednesday was Christmas!! It was a very fun day! When we woke up we opened the gifts from our family and then left to have breakfast at our branch presidents house. We each got a tie and pair of socks from them which was nice! We then watched them open their gifts. Then we got to skype out family which was just great! After that we ate breakfast and played some games. Afterwards we went to the Guldensterns and spent a few hours with them and their kids which was fun. After that we went back to the Receveurs (the branch presidents house) for dinner. They cooked a turkey which president Receveur caught himself. He has this room FULL of animal heads because he loves to hunt, he even travels often to do so. We played more games and had desert then went home.

Thursday we had district meeting and meet with a less active. We then drove to the zone leaders apartment to car pool with other Elders to drive to Utica, Friday morning.

Friday we drove to Utica for special training. It basically was just training for the new missionaries who came out last month. It was fun to see the Elder that were with me at the MTC. We then drove back which took the rest of the day.

Saturday we tracted for about and hour and a half but had no luck. We then met with an investigator and his less active girlfriend. We then went to a members house for dinner and afterward we went to a few people houses and sang some Christmas carols which was fun!

Sunday I gave my talk on faith which went well. We then saw the people we usually see on Sunday. 

I'm so glad to be here in the New York Utica mission and hope to serve the Lord to the best of my ability!

Elder Reyne

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