Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's 2014, I can't believe it!

Happy New Years everyone!!

This week was great despite the crazy weather we have had. It snowed on Thursday and now its raining and melting the snow it's so weird! 

We were able to visit 6 less-active members this week which is 2 more than usual and we were able to set up a weekly thing with one of them, I love having set plans each week! On New Years eve we couldn't be outside past 6 unless we had appointments after ward. On New Years day we went to a members house for lunch and helped them with a little service project. We came back home but weren't able to go out because If we left to go where we planned to go we would not have been back until late plus the roads weren't the best for driving on. We committed our investigator family to baptism!! I don't know if they we commit to the date we set in February but I know that will get baptized eventully. The dad first started investigating the church about 5 years ago and had spaces of time where the missionaries stopped coming. Some how they got picked up and then my companion and his last companion got the whole family involved. They have been progressing well and we hope we can continually teach they so they can make enter into the wonderful covenant of baptism.
This is definitely a tough area but I know that the Lord needs me here for a reason and that I will grow from my experiences. Finding new people to teach is hard when most people are set in their ways or don't care for religion. But I know that anyone can change, it may take time but they need to make that change themself, we just help them in what ever way we can. My the Lord bless all of you this year and in the years to come!

~Elder Dallin Reyne  

Of course I forget to wear my suit to district meeting on the day it matters.

 My snow vs. Sister Analise Reyne's snow!

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