Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And I thought 40 degrees in California was cold!‏

So this week was really slow because the dang cold!

We weren't able to go out much because of the weather and road conditions but we started making a game for the gospel of Jesus Christ for our investigator family, so we spent most of the week at the church. It was funny on one of the days our district leader texted us this "Elders! It's cold! We just got word that it is even 'dangerously cold' outside. Be smart with your activities you pursue. Don't play the part of hero and go tracting all day." I thought it was funny because I'm sure there are some missionaries who think " Oh it's not THAT cold, we can just wear lots of layers and people will invite us in" As fun as that sounds, it's better to not risk your health and the possibility of of getting frost bite. So not much news but it was still an enjoyable week!

Also on Saturdays we shovel snow off the church side walks. Before we did we were in the clerks office where elder Sanders left the keys inside the room that can't be unlocked. As I left the room I thought "there's no reason to close this we'll be back after we shovel" not thinking about the keys. So we went out side and realized "shoot, we need to open the car trunk for the shovels and we left the keys in the office and that door locks, and so does the front door!" Miraculously the front door didn't shut all the way and I didn't close the office door. If we had, we would have had to walk a mile to our apartment in the freezing cold until church the next morning, not to mention walking to the church as well! The Lord was looking out for us!!

Love you all!

   ~Elder Reyne!

Crazy Last Week!

So 2 Saturdays ago one of my teeth was hurting really bad in the morning but it went away as the day went on. On Sunday it hurt all day which was no fun. Monday wasn't much better but I just took some pain reliever to help and hope that the pain would go away on its own and was too stubborn to get it taken care of. Tuesday morning I woke up with a swollen face but my tooth was hardly in any pain. I called Sister Wirthlin to see what to do. Long story, about insurance, short I scheduled an appointment with a dentist who is a member and didn't charge me anything for being a missionary which was a miracle! Wednesday my face was worse! I went to the appointment and the dentist told me he couldn't do anything until the swelling went down so he prescribed an antibiotic for me. We stayed inside both Tuesday and Wednesday so my face wouldn't freak anybody out and so I could rest. Thursday was zone conference and I decided to go even though the swelling had not gone down much. I decided to go because I wanted to see peoples reactions to my face and b/c I love our zone! During the meeting my face had swollen down some which was awesome. Not much else happened but on Wednesday as I was couch ridden I felt like reading the Book of Mormon from where I left off during personal study. what I read gave me great hope and strengthened my testimony so much! It was Alma 38:2-3 It talks about enduring, patience and long-suffering which was just what I needed at the time. I knew that if I could just endure this trial, the Lord would bless me for it. Currently the swelling is gone which is great!

 I know that this is the only true church on the earth, to me it doesn't make sense any other way and sometimes I think, "what if it isn't?" But i know that it's not my thoughts and that I do know what is right and what is not. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ so much and wouldn't have it any other way!!  

   ~Elder Reyne

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's 2014, I can't believe it!

Happy New Years everyone!!

This week was great despite the crazy weather we have had. It snowed on Thursday and now its raining and melting the snow it's so weird! 

We were able to visit 6 less-active members this week which is 2 more than usual and we were able to set up a weekly thing with one of them, I love having set plans each week! On New Years eve we couldn't be outside past 6 unless we had appointments after ward. On New Years day we went to a members house for lunch and helped them with a little service project. We came back home but weren't able to go out because If we left to go where we planned to go we would not have been back until late plus the roads weren't the best for driving on. We committed our investigator family to baptism!! I don't know if they we commit to the date we set in February but I know that will get baptized eventully. The dad first started investigating the church about 5 years ago and had spaces of time where the missionaries stopped coming. Some how they got picked up and then my companion and his last companion got the whole family involved. They have been progressing well and we hope we can continually teach they so they can make enter into the wonderful covenant of baptism.
This is definitely a tough area but I know that the Lord needs me here for a reason and that I will grow from my experiences. Finding new people to teach is hard when most people are set in their ways or don't care for religion. But I know that anyone can change, it may take time but they need to make that change themself, we just help them in what ever way we can. My the Lord bless all of you this year and in the years to come!

~Elder Dallin Reyne  

Of course I forget to wear my suit to district meeting on the day it matters.

 My snow vs. Sister Analise Reyne's snow!