Monday, July 21, 2014

Fisher of Men and Fish

I caught some bass the other day!

Hello, hello!

So this last week was pretty tough and discouraging. I won't go into too much detail but we only taught 1 lesson and the other lessons we were going to teach fell through, which is always frustrating. But I always try to stay positive and hope for a better week!!

 Already this week is off to a good start! Just a few minutes ago this lady, who was using a computer next to us, gave us her name and phone number! It was totally out of the blue, I don't know if she really knows who we are or if she wants us to teach her or not but still that NEVER happens here (well not never but you know what I mean).

Elder Neus and I have been trying to work more with the members and less active members instead of tracting every day because that's pretty much the only way to find people to teach in this area and it's not very effective. It's hard to meet with the members though because everyone lives so far away and spread and we only have so many miles per month we can drive.

Well, other than that there's not much else to report. But my testimony of this church grows everyday and I feel the love my Father in Heaven and His Son have for me each and everyday. I know they are always there for me ready to lift me up when times get hard. This church IS true and I love it so much, it brings me so much joy and happiness that I can't express in words.

Love ya!!!

           Elder Reyne 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Not much really happened

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you look back and think, "what the heck did I do all week?" Well that's how it was this week. It wasn't a bad week it just feels like not a lot happened.

 But we were able to teach a few lessons and meet this super nice less active couple. They are hard to get ahold of so I'm glad we were able to meet with them. Sister Ludwig is super nice and bubbly and Brother Ludwig is awesome and has a sweet Duck Dynasty beard! When we knocked on the door no one answered. We knocked three times and there was no answer, so we go over to the other door (because like every house has two front door in upstate new York it's annoying and weird, I never know which one to knock on) and knock and we hear Sister Ludwig scream, because we made her jump from waking up from her nap, it was funny. So she let us in and fed us which we weren't expecting and we talked for a while and they are just super nice people, I don't know why they are less active, but we will change that =).

Then on Saturday we went this super sweet waterfall because we started proselyting early on Monday. I think it is the tallest waterfall or something.

Anyway, I hope that next week will be more eventful. I definitely felt the spirit at zone conference and learned a lot about repentance and obedience. I know we are able to obey all the commandments because why would God give them to us if we were not able to follow them? And I love the scripture in D&C about how the Lord has never given us a temporal law, they are all spiritual. Think about it, every commandment we follow helps our spirituality and when we brake them it results in a loss of the spirit. I just think it's sweet!


             Elder Reyne

Monday, July 7, 2014

Miracles in Greenville!

I had a pretty awesome week! Lots of things happened and we have been praying for a miracle and our prayers were answered!

So first we got a new investigator who is pretty solid. Her name is Rachel, and at first she said that she was catholic and not interested, but we asked her if she knew about the Mormons and she thought that the Mormons out west practiced polygamy still, so we explained that there is branch off of the LDS faith that it not apart of the true church. And after a while of talking we took out a restoration pamphlet and taught the 1st lesson on her porch. We didn't ask her if we could come back, she asked US if we could come back I was super shocked because that like never happens!!

Another miracle that happened was that we didn't get eaten alive by some German shepherds. We knocked on this door, left an pass-along card and then walked away to leave when 2 German Shepherds start barking and running toward us from the back yard, that we didn't know were even there when we first walked up. So my companion Elder Neus books is back to the door and I'm all confused as to what was going on so I stumbled and fell over but was able to get back up before they got to us. So me and my comp. are cowering on the porch while the owner is calling them to go back to the back yard. The dogs didn't listen, but didn't come any closer to us. Then the lady goes to the front door takes the card, says "here's your card back" then calls the dogs in, so we cautiously walk away. It was pretty funny afterward but the lady was pretty rude, she didn't even apologize for her dogs that almost ate us. Oh well, welcome to upstate New York!

Other then that we just tracted and worked with the senior couple, but it was a super good week!

Love ya!!

Elder Reyne