Monday, July 14, 2014

Not much really happened

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you look back and think, "what the heck did I do all week?" Well that's how it was this week. It wasn't a bad week it just feels like not a lot happened.

 But we were able to teach a few lessons and meet this super nice less active couple. They are hard to get ahold of so I'm glad we were able to meet with them. Sister Ludwig is super nice and bubbly and Brother Ludwig is awesome and has a sweet Duck Dynasty beard! When we knocked on the door no one answered. We knocked three times and there was no answer, so we go over to the other door (because like every house has two front door in upstate new York it's annoying and weird, I never know which one to knock on) and knock and we hear Sister Ludwig scream, because we made her jump from waking up from her nap, it was funny. So she let us in and fed us which we weren't expecting and we talked for a while and they are just super nice people, I don't know why they are less active, but we will change that =).

Then on Saturday we went this super sweet waterfall because we started proselyting early on Monday. I think it is the tallest waterfall or something.

Anyway, I hope that next week will be more eventful. I definitely felt the spirit at zone conference and learned a lot about repentance and obedience. I know we are able to obey all the commandments because why would God give them to us if we were not able to follow them? And I love the scripture in D&C about how the Lord has never given us a temporal law, they are all spiritual. Think about it, every commandment we follow helps our spirituality and when we brake them it results in a loss of the spirit. I just think it's sweet!


             Elder Reyne

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