Monday, October 27, 2014

I have time today!

So I actually have time to send my main email this time!! YAY!! This week was pretty good!

So we have been teaching an older hispanic gentleman named Edwin! He enjoys having us over. He does speak english but he can't read in english so he reads of out of his spanish copy of the Book of Mormon and then explains what he read in english and we talk about it. It's pretty interesting because some of the spanish to english translations are different that what the word really means. For example; wilderness translates to desert and tent translates to store (tienda). That one was is pretty funny. Haha, "And my father dwelt in a store" we had to laugh when he read that verse.

We are still teaching Fred. Remember him? He's the 90 year Italian old guy. We cooked him dinner twice this week. Tuesday we made some spaghetti and Friday I fried some chicken and it was yummy! 

So on Thursday we had to get our car checked at a Subaru dealership and it took like 5 hours. Long story short we didn't get to proselyte as much as we wanted to that day but we did get to walk around Syracuse which was pretty cool. 

We also had 3 investigators as church which was awesome!  

Anyway that was our week and it was not too bad. LOVE YA!!

        Elder Reyne

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