Monday, October 6, 2014

Service all around!

Hello everyone!! This past week was good mainly because of General Conference and because we helped an investigator of our gain a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith!

But before I explain that I'll tell you all about the service we did. So on from Wednesday to Friday we did service pretty much the whole time. Wednesday we helped some investigators move. I wonder if people ever think that the Mormons are a moving company because of all the moving we help people do, haha! Thursday we helped out at the YMCA gym by cleaning out the dirt from in between tiles. We also helped some more investigators stain their deck in the back. Friday we were in service clothes literally all day probably the first time on my mission I wasn't in missionary clothes for at least a few minutes. First we helped a member clean out her garage and organize it. Then we cleaned the kitchen of a 90 year old investigator named Fred who's stubborn but really funny! His wife passed away about 6 months ago and she did all the cleaning so his house is pretty messy to say the least. I spent at least 2 hours washing dishes while my companion, Elder Hatanaka, clean the counters and floor. Afterward we did weekly planning because we wouldn't have time on Saturday because of Conference. 

So now onto the investigator!!!! So on Sunday after conference we stopped by Fred ( the one who's house we cleaned) to show him the full version of the restoration. Because he loves to watch TV and doesn't really do much other than watch TV we figured that watching the full restoration video would be great for him. So throughout the video we explained things that he didn't fully understand. At the end we asked him if he believed Joseph Smith was a prophet and he said yes, and we bore testimony that he is a prophet!!! The spirit was so strong it was amazing. 

I love you all this church is truly Gods church and Jesus stands at the head of it!!

Elder Reyne

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