Monday, March 17, 2014

Busy Week

We had a pretty busy week and were able to go out because it hasn't been too cold!

So we have been checking former and potential investigators a lot to help narrow down the area books and to get new investigators. There have mostly been no answers or moved people and it's been nice to get the area books organized and cleaned out little by little. We have found records ( like 2) from 2003! Elders should clean out area books more often, but it's been awesome having a lot to do and it's great being able to get out more and stay out longer now since there hasn't been much snow or wind chill.

 We also were able to help some people move out their mothers things from her house. The people were from long island so they came a long way to get here. It was funny because the guy tried giving me and my companion $20 each for our help. We, of course, tried to refused the money but some how he walked away with it in our hands. He told us to give it so someone who needs it or spend it on video games. He obviously had no idea who we were or what we did, ha ha!\

Out of time, Love you all!

         Elder Reyne

Random Roads and Hollow Houses‏

So this week was kind of a bummer because we tryed contacting many former and potential investigators but to no avail did success come from any of them. Either no one answered or the person we are looking for no longer lived there and the people that live there now were not interested. There were some houses that were in the middle of nowhere down some random dirt roads and usually ended with no answer. The weather hasn't been too bad but the wind makes what is already cold, worse.
Since I'm the designated driver I'm SOOO glad it hasn't been snowing because I've NEVER driven in snow and am scared that I will get in a crash when I do. 

Sorry that there wasn't a lot of things to talk about this week but that was pretty much all that has happened, but something that has been said many times since I've been here has started to stick with me and I'm starting to understand why I'm here in this particular mission. We are the seed planters. We may not be teaching people left and right but planting the seed in people is just as important as teaching. If the person has a good idea about the church or knows that we are good people, it will set the path for them in the future, and they will be more willing to learn at a different time, in a different setting. The Lord put me here for a certain reason and I may never understand the exact reason but as long as I do my best and try my hardest, He will bless and strengthen me.

I love each and every one of you so much and hope all is well!

   Elder Reyne

The weekly and photos

Hello, hello! I had a great week filled with lots of good stuff!

So on Tuesday we had a zone training meeting because the one on Thursday got rescheduled because the snow storm made it unsafe to travel. The meeting was awesome! I felt the spirit so strong when we were being trained on Elder Bednars talk "Becoming a Preach My Gospel Missionary". We were also trained on area book usage which gave me a greater desire to use it to my advantage. After the meeting our district went to the Albany New York Museum. It was super cool!!! There was an exhibit for 9/11, there was a giant mammoth skeleton, history of Germany and the Nazi party and a bunch of other historical things ( You would LOVE it there Grandma!) 

On Wednesday we drove to pick up an Elder in Schenectady (skuh-neck-tud-ee) so my companion and he drove to Utica and I stayed there with his companion and we shoveled snow and stuff until his and my new companion came. We then drove to Schoharie and stayed the night with the Elders there because it was too late to drive all the way back home. 

My new companion is Elder McPherson and he has been out for about a year and is just awesome. I think this will be my last transfer in the Hudson area, who knows but the Lord, where I will be next. I hope to work hard and hopefully find some new people to teach. May the Lord bless you all! 

Loves yas! 

        ~Elder Reyne

2 feet of snow!‏

Well we got even more snow this week just about 2 feet of it! I can't wait for it to get warmer!

So like last week (and most weeks so far) we weren't able to stay outside very long because of the cold and the snow. But it was great to provide service by shoveling it at our branch building and apartment parking lot. Needless to say, I am very sore! 

So this week is transfers! I will be staying in the Hudson area and my trainer who's been here for 7 & 1/2 months (5 transfers) will be going up north near Syracuse. 

Other than that not much exciting happened this week.

      ~Elder Reyne

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Random Roads and Hollow Houses

So this week was kind of a bummer because we tryed contacting many former and potential investigators but to no avail did success come from any of them. Either no one answered or the person we are looking for no longer lived there and the people that live there now were not interested. There were some houses that were in the middle of nowhere down some random dirt roads and usually ended with no answer. The weather hasn't been too bad but the wind makes what is already cold, worse.

 Since I'm the designated driver I'm SOOO glad it hasn't been snowing because I've NEVER driven in snow and am scared that I will get in a crash when I do. 

Sorry that there wasn't a lot of things to talk about this week but that was pretty much all that has happened, but something that has been said many times since I've been here has started to stick with me and I'm starting to understand why I'm here in this particular mission. We are the seed planters. We may not be teaching people left and right but planting the seed in people is just as important as teaching. If the person has a good idea about the church or knows that we are good people, it will set the path for them in the future, and they will be more willing to learn at a different time, in a different setting. The Lord put me here for a certain reason and I may never understand the exact reason but as long as I do my best and try my hardest, He will bless and strengthen me.

I love each and every one of you so much and hope all is well!

   Elder Reyne