Monday, March 17, 2014

The weekly and photos

Hello, hello! I had a great week filled with lots of good stuff!

So on Tuesday we had a zone training meeting because the one on Thursday got rescheduled because the snow storm made it unsafe to travel. The meeting was awesome! I felt the spirit so strong when we were being trained on Elder Bednars talk "Becoming a Preach My Gospel Missionary". We were also trained on area book usage which gave me a greater desire to use it to my advantage. After the meeting our district went to the Albany New York Museum. It was super cool!!! There was an exhibit for 9/11, there was a giant mammoth skeleton, history of Germany and the Nazi party and a bunch of other historical things ( You would LOVE it there Grandma!) 

On Wednesday we drove to pick up an Elder in Schenectady (skuh-neck-tud-ee) so my companion and he drove to Utica and I stayed there with his companion and we shoveled snow and stuff until his and my new companion came. We then drove to Schoharie and stayed the night with the Elders there because it was too late to drive all the way back home. 

My new companion is Elder McPherson and he has been out for about a year and is just awesome. I think this will be my last transfer in the Hudson area, who knows but the Lord, where I will be next. I hope to work hard and hopefully find some new people to teach. May the Lord bless you all! 

Loves yas! 

        ~Elder Reyne

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