Monday, March 17, 2014

Busy Week

We had a pretty busy week and were able to go out because it hasn't been too cold!

So we have been checking former and potential investigators a lot to help narrow down the area books and to get new investigators. There have mostly been no answers or moved people and it's been nice to get the area books organized and cleaned out little by little. We have found records ( like 2) from 2003! Elders should clean out area books more often, but it's been awesome having a lot to do and it's great being able to get out more and stay out longer now since there hasn't been much snow or wind chill.

 We also were able to help some people move out their mothers things from her house. The people were from long island so they came a long way to get here. It was funny because the guy tried giving me and my companion $20 each for our help. We, of course, tried to refused the money but some how he walked away with it in our hands. He told us to give it so someone who needs it or spend it on video games. He obviously had no idea who we were or what we did, ha ha!\

Out of time, Love you all!

         Elder Reyne

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