Monday, March 17, 2014

Random Roads and Hollow Houses‏

So this week was kind of a bummer because we tryed contacting many former and potential investigators but to no avail did success come from any of them. Either no one answered or the person we are looking for no longer lived there and the people that live there now were not interested. There were some houses that were in the middle of nowhere down some random dirt roads and usually ended with no answer. The weather hasn't been too bad but the wind makes what is already cold, worse.
Since I'm the designated driver I'm SOOO glad it hasn't been snowing because I've NEVER driven in snow and am scared that I will get in a crash when I do. 

Sorry that there wasn't a lot of things to talk about this week but that was pretty much all that has happened, but something that has been said many times since I've been here has started to stick with me and I'm starting to understand why I'm here in this particular mission. We are the seed planters. We may not be teaching people left and right but planting the seed in people is just as important as teaching. If the person has a good idea about the church or knows that we are good people, it will set the path for them in the future, and they will be more willing to learn at a different time, in a different setting. The Lord put me here for a certain reason and I may never understand the exact reason but as long as I do my best and try my hardest, He will bless and strengthen me.

I love each and every one of you so much and hope all is well!

   Elder Reyne

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