Monday, August 25, 2014

Events all over the place!!!

So this past week in Oneida was very eventful and a lot of things happened making for a very fun week!

So from Monday to Wednesday not much happened other than teaching a few lessons and contacting former and potential investigators. On Thursday we helped another church set up a free lunch that took place at a park. Little Caesers pizza sponsered the event so we got some free pizza which is always good.

Friday we helped an investigator couple decorate for their reception.

Saturday we helped a member move a couch into her house. Then we went to the investigator couples wedding which was wonderful. Then we went to the reception and had a fun time there. Then we went to a baptism that the nearby sister missionaries had at our building because they don't have a proper meeting house in their area. 

Sunday morning the investigator couple that got married the day before got baptized. Then we taught a lesson to this awesome older couple who are catholic but believe in the Godhead and NOT the trinity (crazy right). And that was pretty much our week! It was a lot of fun and a great way to show that missionaries are real people! 

I don't have time for a spiritual message but I hope you know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you and are aware of you!!

Love you all!!

      Elder Reyne

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