Sunday, May 11, 2014

Tracting here, there, and everywhere!‏

So we tracted a lot this week as the title implies. On Tuesday the sun was out and it was 50 degrees I couldn't believe it! We tracted most of the day but had no success. Wednesday it was raining the whole day and still had no success in finding any new investigators. We were, however, able to hand out a Book of Mormon to a college aged guy. Hopefully he will call us and want to meet with us soon.Thursday it was still raining on the way up to zone meeting, and because it's up north, there was snow on the way up. Well, being that I'm from a place in California where it NEVER snows, I've never actually driven in snow, so it was really scary, but thankfully my companion is from Idaho and helped me along the way (the Lord helped too no doubt). We tracted a little on Sunday but the wind made it too cold so we saw some less actives. 

So it was a pretty uneventful week but the members are starting to feed us more( from once every other week to almost twice a week) which is awesome! I know that that is the Lord, blessing us for our efforts to find people to teach.

Loves yas!

    Elder Reyne!  

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