Monday, June 23, 2014

Bike Rides = No fun!

So my week was really awesome despite the title (I'll get to that in a bit).

We picked up a new investigator on Monday and he is pretty sweet. The senior couple met with a less active family and their less active daughter few weeks ago. After their visit they told us that the daughter has a 14 year old son and she wants him to learn about God and have good male role models in his life and she thought of the missionaries! So after a week or two of forgetting to call and set up an appointment with them, we called and set up an appointment to start teaching Shawn about God ( the missionary lessons). His mom told us that he has a learning disability and that it might take a while for him to learn and retain everything, so we had to teach very simply. So we taught the first lesson with using the new teaching method ( using the Restoration pamphlet) and he seemed to understand for the most part. We met with shawn and his mom Dawn again on Sunday and taught about the Book of Mormon and committed him to baptism and he said yes! But we will need to work with him more before he is ready.

Thursday we had our zone training meeting and like always the spirit is very strong and I always leave with a renewed desire to work hard and bring many people closer to Christ. After ZTM instead of leaving the stake center and coming back for priesthood leadership meeting we worked with other Elders in there area, it was great! The leadership meeting was good too. It was all about missionaries and members working together and our branch has trouble with that so hopefully our branch leadership will start having the rest of the branch help us.

So now for my bike riding tale of misery! So one day each month in the summer time our mission has what is called a car fast. It's the same as a fast from food only with the car and it's all day long. So Elder James and I decided to ride the bikes because I never have ridden a bike since I've been on my mission. Well let me just say, it was flippin' hard!!!! There are SOOO many hills here. Up and down, and up and down, and up, and up and UP. My legs were jelly!! We rode about 17 miles. I thought I would be fine but I'm used to riding in California where it's flat everywhere! No potentials or investigators came from that day but it was a testimony builder to me that we need to work hard in every aspect of missionary work.

Anyway. I hope your legs aren't killing you!
      Elder Reyne! 

Festival Celebrating the countries freedom

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