Monday, June 2, 2014

Some More Service

So like last week we did a lot of service but this time instead of painting we helped the Brittons rebuild a truck. Bro. Britton built the motor but we just helped put it in and lift the cab of the truck onto the frame of the truck. I unscrewed a lot of nuts bolts and it was super fun I love doing things like that! The main reason why we did so much service is because they live close and could give us rides to and from the place where we worked on the truck and also because we hardly had any miles left for the month of may. To explain, each area in the mission with a car (95% of the mission) has a set amount of miles they can use per month. Our area gets 1150 miles each month. With our area so spread out we can't really go anywhere by foot. We did however get a TON of help from the senior couple. They drove us a bunch this week because they have their own car and can drive as much as they want. I don't like how the mileage restricts us from doing the Lords work but it's to prevent Elders (or Sisters) from driving everywhere and costing the mission a bunch of money.

Anyway the week wasn't very eventful but it's a new month so we get more miles yay!!! So next weeks email should be more eventful!

Love ya!

    Elder D 

Helping the Jensen's make bread sticks


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