Monday, June 9, 2014

You probably think that service is all I do here?

Again we did a bunch of service this week but I love it it's great!! I would like to be teaching and finding more but if this is why I was sent to Greenville, I won't complain! We do some teaching though, it's not completely service.

 On Monday we help an older member, Brother Kruppenbacher, build a ramp up to a shed that he keeps his lawn mowers in. He is so funny! You know how Elmer Fudd (spelling?) from Looney Toons sounds right? It's the guy who says "wabbit" and is always trying to shoot Bugs Bunny? Well picture an old man with a walker who sounds like that and you'll get Brother Kruppenbacher. He is so awesome!

Tuesday we helped an investigator of our plant tomatoes, sunflowers, corn and beans, it was a lot of fun! Because I told her that I knew how to plant tomatoes she made me plant them all, haha! She was shocked when I told her we had a garden is Arizona she was like "How do you plant anything in that dry place!?" Ha ha I thought about it and honestly I have no idea how things grew there!

Then on Thursday I went on exchange to my last area in Hudson! It was super weird, plus I was with my last companion Elder McPherson too, we had so much fun!

Friday we did some more painting at Brother Anastasios apartment house, and the senior couple came and helped too! It's looking a lot better since the tenant who lived there last trashed the place.

 Saturday we had a baptism! But I take zero credit for it because he already had a date set, I was just there. His name is Mike Vulcano, his wife Elizabeth got baptized 2 months ago. They are both super awesome and just the nicest people. I'll send pictures next week.

Anyway I hope you are all doing great! I hope you know that Heavenly Father and His Son love you and are aware of you!

  Love ya!

        Elder Reyne

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