Monday, June 16, 2014

Here Comes Summer

So it's basically summer time now and the horror stories I've heard from other missionaries about the heat are true! It gets so hot here and the stupid humidity makes it 5 times worse. I miss the dry heat! It hasn't been too bad just yet but you pretty much start sweating right when you walk out side. It's no bueno. The humidity makes 90 degree weather feel like 110! So these next few months should be fun!

On to my week!

So we didn't do nearly as much service this week has we have been the past 3 weeks and it has been SOOO nice to do some actual finding!! I know it sounds weird but was stoked to do some tracting! We didn't find any new investigators this week, but that's nothing new here.

Elder James and I haven't had luck with finding any new investigators, so this week we made a goal to just find at least 1 super soild investigator. We are both a little tired of doing service, don't get me wrong I apsolutely love helping others but we should be finding more often. So we are going to work super hard this week because every day is basically open. It's going to be sweet! What won't be sweet will be the heat BUT we will work hard anyway!

I'm so grateful to be here in Greenville, there is a lot of work to do and I hope we can find as many people as will receive us. This branch doesn't have the best idea on how to do missionary work so we are working hard to get them excited about inviting others to come unto Christ, I think that is one of the reasons why I am here.

I hope you all are doing well and are finding success in your endeavors!

         Elder Reyne!!

From left to right; Me, Marissa (brother Vulcanos daughter), Brother Vulcano, Sister Vulcano (got baptized in March) Elder James

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