Monday, September 8, 2014

Oneida Branch Seminar

So this week was really awesome we taught a bunch of lessons in person and via facebook. The highlight of the week was sunday but I will get to that.

So on Tuesday we started doing service for the YMCA (which is just a workout place like Golds gym) we are basically the janitors because there is only one person that does the cleaning and stuff and she can't clean the boys locker/changing room until night when the gym is closed. We also taught this investigator named Fred. He's a 90 year old Catholic Italian who's super funny. He lost his wife a few months ago, and who happened to show up shortly after her death? The Missionaries of course!! We keep telling him she sent us to teach him but he doesn't believe us. Hopefully he will soon, we keep telling him to pray about it.  

So on Friday we had a super long planning session, mainly because we all get distracted easily, but it was good because we had an epiphany ( the spirit, really) about what we were going to teach on Sunday because we were assigned to teach 3rd hour. We decided we were going to combine everyone for third our and pretty much call the whole Branch to repentance for not doing much missionary work.

So we prepared by getting some statistics from and learned that we havn't had more than 330,00 convert baptisms since 1990, that's a long time with out that much growth. We are the true church we should have more each year, mainly because we have more members, missionaries and tools to spread the gospel. Anyway we lovingly, but boldly, told the Branch they weren't doing their job and neither were we because we havn't taught them how to share the gospel in every day senarios. So we had every member, roughly 25, role-play a situation where they could share the gospel. We recorded it and I will share it with you once we figure out how to post it somewhere. 

Well I'm out of time but I love all of you and hope you are doing just wonderful!!

Love ya!
      Elder Reyne!

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