Monday, September 22, 2014

Small Miracles in Oneida!!

Hello everyone! It's that time of the week again! I don't have a whole lot of time so I'll give you the awesome miracle that took place.

So we have two sets of Elders living in our apartment because their apartment isn't ready to be moved into yet so we have been blitzing our area. Blitzing means when 2 sets of missionaries work in one area, so it's been really helpful to be able to work 2 parts of our area because it is so big. There was also a small but testimony building miracle that happened yesterday. So we were going around visiting people and it had been just DUMPING rain for the past 30 mintues. After we drove to the next place we were going to visit my companion asked if we could say a prayer so the rain would stop. So after I said the prayer we got out of the car and starting walking. Roughly 10 minutes later the sun came out from behind the clouds and the rain stopped! It was so cool and amazing that Heavenly Father answered a simple pray to make the rain stop. Prayer is so real and important, but we have to have faith that He will answer our prayer.

I love you all and hope you are enjoying life!

        Elder Reyne!!

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