Monday, May 26, 2014

My First Transfer!

 So far my new area in Greenville is great! As the name states, it's green! Lots of trees and grass etc. It is very rural and spread out and there's not a city like Hudson so there's a lot of tracting work to be done but I will be able to manage, tracting isn't all that bad!

The District
Before I talk about Greenville let me talk about my last few days in Hudson!

Elder Reyne and his Mission President, his wife and the Elders in his District

Performing Service
So a member of our called us and asked if we could help him put in a pool liner in the pool at his hotel/lodge. So I got to be in a pool on my mission!! Don't worry no water was involved so I didn't break any rules. It was super fun! Umm yeah pretty much all that went on other then packing and cleaning.

Waterfall Near the Hudson River
On to Greenville!! So we have done a lot of service so far which has been super fun On Wednesday we just tracted after I unpacked. Thursday we did a little bit of tracting then we did our weekly planning. We were about halfway done when a member called us and asked for our help to move a washer and dryer into their house. After that we had a lesson with the Vulcanos; a recent convert and her husband who will be getting baptized soon. Then we had dinner at a less active families house (the Brittons), they feed us twice a week and their less active daughter and her family (the Graffs) feeds us twice a weeks as well. They are both awesome families I don't know why they struggle to come to church they don't live that far away. Their house holds are pretty crazy though, but fun!

 On Friday we painted Brother Anastasios apartment that he owns and rents out. He's less active too but he is the coolest!! He had an insurance guy come to his house before we painted, so we had to wait a while, but he owns a flippin' pin ball machine!! So we played that until he was ready to leave. After we painted we ate at a members house ( his name escapes me). We had potato pancakes which I've never had before. Then we ate pizza at the Salvios ( another less active) house and we played with a frizzbee with her sons who are awesome. Saturday we worked with the senior couple, the Jensens, and visited a few people. Then we ate dinner at the Rowzee house, then did some service for an investigator. He moved to the apartment right above his old one so we just had to moved furniture and stuff. Then on sunday after church we ate lunch at the Jensens and visited a less active with them.

So it was a very eventful week!!

Loves yas!!

         Elder Reyne

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