Sunday, May 11, 2014

6 Months in the Field, WHAT?!?!‏

Can you believe that I have been out for 6 months? It goes by so fast! Things are going good in here in the Hudson area, spring is here and the flowers are starting to bloom, and no one even plants them or even waters their lawn, the moisture here is so much that it is very rare to find a water hose because no one needs one. 

So this past week was really good! We were able to go out with some members and visit a few less actives which was nice because they hardly go out with us, but they are doing better, this branch is super awesome I love it! We did an exchange with the Elders in Greenville and we checked a bunch of former and potential investigators but nothing came from any of it, it was sad but not everyone is ready to hear the gospel, even though they should be. We haven't been able to meet with our investigator family the Guldensterns for about 5 week, I don't think they want us to come by again, we even showed up randomly and no one answered even though we knew they were home. I hope we didn't offend them =(. But other than that things are going good. This Saturday I will find out if I am leaving or staying in the Hudson area so I will let you all know when it happens! 

Miracle of the week. Last Monday when we were doing laundry I was short 1 quarter for drying my clothes. I was kind of worried because my clothes would not have been dry enough with only 2 quarters (each quarter gives 6 minutes of drying) So I though to myself, "I know this doesn't matter a whole lot but the Lord will provide for me, either another quarter will pop up or my clothes will be dry enough" so trusting in the Lord I put my 1st quarter in, and when I did, out popped another quarter!!! It was so amazing, I couldn't believe it! But for something as small as 1 quarter, the Lord will provided for me in a time of need! My testimony of miracles totally grew and how if something is important to us it's important to Him. This church is so true I know it and love it!!

Love you!!!!!!
        Elder Reyne

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