Sunday, May 11, 2014

New investigator!‏

Our prayers have been answered, we have a new investigator! Well she's not 100% new, she met with missionaries for 3 years, the missionaries that were here a year ago dropped her because she needed time to figure things out, but finally we have someone else to teach!

So usually my companion does the planning each night and I agree or give some input, which am I am totally fine with because I'm really bad at planning. But one night as we were about to plan, Elder Mcpherson stops and says " I feel impressed you let you plan the whole day tomorrow (thursday)". And of course I complained and didn't want to because I'm not confident with my plans. So begrudgingly I planned the day in an area we don't visit very often (because we don't have any set plans with people there and no active members live there) while he sat completely quite. So thursday morning I made a list of some people that we haven't visited or didn't think twice about in the area book. After I made the list we left for the day. The first guy we planned to see is a less active who served a mission but fell away shortly after and lives with him girlfriend whos a former Jehovahs Witness. When we past by the house we noticed that most of the apartments were vacant or being reconstructed. Out of about 10 houses 3 of them were not vacant and one happened to be his house! When we knocked I figured no one would answer because that seems to happen with every house we check but he answered the door and let us in because he knows what it's like to be a missionary. Unfortunately his girlfriend was not home so we shared a message with him and left. We then added him to our less active teaching pool. Then we checked another name that I never noticed in one of the area books before. So we knocked on the door and an older man came to the door, and again I thought to myself that he would shoo us away, but very politely we invited us in! He and his wife had met a few times with missionaries so they knew who we were and they really respect us and our religion. He offered us some tea to drink but we told them we don't drink tea and he was surprised and felt bad that it was considered a sin, so we taught them about the word of wisdom. We didn't set up a specific return appointment (I have no idea why!?!) but they said we could stop by any time we were in the area. This was just the tip of the week.

 So on Friday we planned to visit our investigator family who has been avoiding us lately (I don't know why) and not responding when we text them to set up appointments, when a few months ago they would answer right away. Anyway, we still had a few hours left in the day and I had a name pop up in my head that I put on the list I made Thursday who wasn't even in the area we planned on being in that. And miraculously she lived about 5 miles away from our investigator family. So as we headed over I just had the feeling that this name would work out. So we got there and knock on the door and a man answers the door and I think to myself "dang it she must have moved!" but I asked for her anyway and she came to the door and invited us in!! She is an awesome lady, she is VERY spiritual and very musically oriented ( like Abner). So we basically got to know her and she us, and man that lady can talk (most of New York can talk for days but still)!

 It was such and awesome experience to be lead by the spirit to 3 people within 2 days when the previous 5 months we have had ZERO success with finding more people to teach. The Lord is definitely aware of us and it was such a testimony builder to me that we HAVE to listen to the still small voice and when we do the Lord tremendously blesses us!

I love all of you and am sincerely grateful for all of your prayers
            Elder Reyne

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