Sunday, May 11, 2014

April showers bring....well you know

So it's been raining quite a bit but it's not bad, that all for weather on to the week!!

So last week there was no power in the little town I live in, and it went out literally as we we sat down to email, well there was enough power for lights (barely) but not enough for internet it was lame! So that's why there was no email last week.

But the week before was great not much happened but I don't really remember so I guess it's not worth mentioning. 

So this week was awesome we picked up another new investigator that a member of ours has been working with and this past Tuesday she invited her (Dawn) to a bible study class 3 of out members started 2 weeks ago. Dawn lost her dog and has been having a hard time so the member, Loretta, told her we could give her a blessing of comfort so we did it was a great way to get her to know that we are here to help her. She's really faithful and reliant on God and wants to be spiritually fed and hasn't felt like any other church has been able to feed her as spiritually as she wants.Well, she came to the right place!!! I know she will come to find that this is the true church soon. 

We also had stake conference which was awesome, our stake president is so funny! I can't remember what he said leading up to this but at one point he said " the spirit is telling me one thing, my wife is telling another thing, and they both are usually saying the same thing, so I should just start to listen to my wife more!" Haha it was so awesome. He's Italian and bald so if you gave him a pin stripe suit and a hat he totally looks like he could be in the Italian mob. Anyway that was pretty much it.

Funny story from 2 weeks ago. So we went and checked a name that we resently found in an area book and when we knocked on the door the husband answered and we asked for Jennifer and if she would want to meet with us. The husband said " Jennifer do you want to meet with some missionaries?" We hear from the other room "No thanks, I already found Jesus" Then the husband said "Well there ya have it" So we turned and walked away, as we turned we hear "Wait a minute" So we turned back and Jennifer came out holding a stuffed bunny. She gave it to us and said "Happy Easter!" So we took it and left. It was so random but super funny!!

Anyway I love all of you!!! Hope you had a wonderful Easter and gained a greater testimony of the Resurrection!

Loves yas!

     Elder Reyne!

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