Sunday, May 11, 2014


So General Conference was super amazing!!!! It was so awesome, my testimony of this gospel has grown so much since I started my mission. It's sweet how as a missionary you are more in tune with the spirit and get so much more out of conference I know all you missionaries can attest to that. 

Well I don't have much time, but not much exciting happened this past week anyway other than general conference. I hope you all enjoyed general conference. I know that Thomas S. Monson is indeed a true prophet of God and that he guides the church in these latter days. I know that Joseph Smith restored the church back to the earth and that he, through the power of Christ and the Holy Ghost, translated the Book of Mormon and that it is the truest book on this earth. I have a pure knowledge that this Church is true and that we can all return to live with our Father in Heaven again. I love this church and gospel so much, it brings me a joy that I simply cannot express with words.

May the Lord bless you all as you strive to live like Him. I know that it is not easy at times but it is possible. 

With love that can't be expressed

      Elder Reyne

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